Crochet pattern: skinny aubergine scarf

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Hello all and welcome to my first post!

I’m going to share with you a pattern for this skinny purple scarf that I have made. Its the first scarf that I’ve crocheted and it is to match a handmade beret, which is why it’s in this colour. It’s a very simple pattern mainly made up of double crochet, treble crochet and double treble crochet. The pattern is easy enough to follow along if you are a beginner and know the basics of crochet.

Enjoy crocheting!

Note: you can adjust the pattern to fit whatever size you like. These instructions are in UK terms. See here for UK-US conversion information. 


Hook: 4.5mm

Step 1: Foundation chain: start off with a chain of 20 stitches (and 1 extra for turning).
Step 2: Row 1: Do 1 double crochet in each stitch for the first row. Turn.
Step 3: Rows 2-6: Chain 3 (this is the first double treble crochet of the row. Always chain 3 at the start of each row) and do 1 double treble crochet in each stitch. Do this for five rows.

Step 4: Row 7: Chain 1. Do 1 double crochet in each stitch. Turn.


Step 5: Rows 8-17: Chain 2. (Remember to always chain 2 at the start of each row.) Do one treble crochet in each stitch.

Repeat this pattern (steps 4 and 5) until you have your desired length.

When you reach near to the end of your scarf, don’t forget to repeat steps 2-4 to make it consistent with the top end of the pattern.

There you go! There you have your own unique scarf that no one else owns.

If you want to use my design on your website, please credit this link.

Keep your eye out for more crochet and knitting patterns coming soon.

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