Crochet pattern: T-shirt basket

photo 1

Hey everyone!

In this post I’m going to explain how I created this very cute and small basket, which is ideal for storing bits and bobs such as rings or bracelets.

First of all, the yarn that I used is one that I have made by cutting up an old cardigan. All I did was cut the cardigan into several individual strips (about 2cm in width), and attached them by knotting the ends together. By doing this, you should create a whole ball of yarn that you can knit with. The strips will tend to curl inwards, which makes it much easier to crochet with, and this is what you want to happen. There are several other ways to create this type of yarn, but I wanted the raggedy effect where the knots are visible.

I used a 5mm crochet hook. The pattern that I made up is as such:

photo 2Form a magic ring. (Learn how to make one here)

Round 1: Chain 2. Make 16 double crochets into the ring. Join with a slip stitch at the top of the chain 2.

Round 2: Chain 2. Make 2 double crochets in each stitch. You should have 32 stitches in round 2. Slip stitch in the chain from before.

Round 3: Chain 2. Make 1 double crochet in each stitch (your basket should start to curl upwards: that is what you want). Slip stitch into the chain 2 from before.

Rounds 4: Chain 1. Make 1 double crochet in each stitch. Your basket should still curl upwards to form a bowl shape. Keep repeating this if you wish, and fasten off when you’re happy with the size.

TIP: To make a basket like this, it works best when it is crocheted quite tightly because you want to have a rigid shape instead of it being loose and floppy.

Thanks for reading, and let me know how you get on in the comments!